
Peace in the country is peace in the world

The Repuclic of Turkey has been established on 29 October 1923. We have been living in Turkey with Republic government since 1923. Thanks to Mustafa Kemal Ataturk for contemporary civilization.

I want to say that talking of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

''Peace in the country is peace in the world''


Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences

I found very useful this web site and I want to share with you.

Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences has been published since 1992.

These jurnals has been written by estimable academician persons.

Below Link is given by mine with assistance of Tubitak.



Geological Bulletin of Turkey

I looked this web site on the internet when I was searching a data for geology and I want to share with you.

Geological Bulletin of Turkey has been giving to many services since in
January 1947. Geological informations of Turkey has been given by this bulletins.

According to me; This sources are very important for junior Geologists, from now on I will put to geological sources web site like this source web site for Junior Geologists.


If you know a beneficial geology web source, you can send me.


Oil Companies in Turkey

Below Petroleum Companies are doing activity as Oil exploration in Turkey. These companies have several different types of licence in Turkey. Typically these oil companies are joint ventures with each other or global petroleum companies. Some of Them have done to production of oil or gas in Turkey. Some of them are also seeking partner for License.

  • Turkish Petroleum Corporation

  • Merty Energy Oil & Gas Exploration Education Services Corporation

  • N.V.Turkse Perenco

  • Petroleum Exploration Mediterranean International Pty.Ltd.

  • Toreador Turkey Limited

  • Ersan Petrol Sanayii Corp.

  • Aladdin Middle East

  • Dorchester Master Ltd. Partnership

  • Amity Oil International Pty Ltd.

  • Güney Yıldızı

  • Thrace Basin Natural Gas Türkiye Corp.

  • Pinnacle Turkey Inc.

  • Transmediterranean Oil Co.Ltd.

  • Madison (Turkey) Inc.

  • Arar Corp.

  • Avenue Energy. Inc.

  • Lotus Petroleum

  • Petrako

  • Yerbil

  • Maya

  • Petoil

  • Zorlu Petrogas

  • Stratic Energy Turkey Inc.

  • Hema Enerji Corp.

  • BM

  • Aypet, Ayhanlar Petroleum

  • Chevron Exploration Turkey B.V.

  • JKX Turkey Ltd.

  • Edirne Energy

  • Çalık Energy

  • TransAtlantic Turkey Ltd.

  • Tethys Oil Turkey AB

  • Zeta Petroleum Ltd.

  • Southwind Energy LLC.

  • Park Energy

  • Petrobras Oil and Gas B.V.

  • Energy Operations Turkey LLC.

  • Polmak Drilling Corp.

  • Melrose Resources Turkey Ltd.

  • Eureka Energy Ltd.

  • Lokal Construction

  • Turkish Petroleum International Co.Ltd.

  • Genel Energy

  • Aytur Mining

  • Selsinsan

According to me, Turkey is very important country for Global Oil & Gas Companies, because Turkey is transition country for flow of oil & gas to Europe.

Earthquakes in Turkey

North Anatolian Fault is a major active right lateral-moving fault in Northern Anatolia which runs along the tectonic boundary between the Eurasian Plate and the Anatolian Plate.

There have been seven earthquakes measuring over 7.0 on the Richter scale since 1939 Erzincan earthquake.

  • 1939 Erzincan 7.9 32,962 dead

  • 1943 Tosya 7.7

  • 1944 Bolu-Gerede 7.5

  • 1949 Karlıova 7.1

  • 1967 Mudurnu 7.0

  • 1999 Düzce 7.2 894 dead

  • 1999 Izmit 7.4 17,480 dead

I saw to ruins building at Izmit earthquake in 1999, while I was going to Istanbul for journey with train. I didn't feel to the earthquake so shake of train but railway was cutted by shake. We were down from the train near Sakarya city. We made hitchhiking and then we saw to disaster that was terrible. Superhighways were Splited, Bridges were collapsed, Buildings were demolished.

There is a big problem in Turkey that Geology isn't known by authorized. Geology isn't given enough importance. Even borders were drawn by geologists. However Geology isn't learnt by authorized.

I am afraid of Big earthquakes in Turkey Because Buildings aren't enough strengthened.
What a pity!

Expressive Ceremony; Together Happiness with Sadness

The Ersin Aslan Cinema and Seminar Hall was opened by Kale Rotaract Club and ZICEV (Growing & Protection Foundation for Mentally Disabled Children)

Ersin Aslan very young died just 32 years old.
He was MSc. Machine Engineer. He was perky living. He liked to watch movie, He was a good person and a good friend. The Hall was made with assistance of Burhan Aslan who is Father of Ersin Aslan.

Dear My friend, We always miss you.
Your Friend,


Mud Logging Unit

Mud Logging unit provides to information about the lithology and fluid content of the borehole while drilling. Well information is collected by this unit. These informations are given at below with sequentially;

    • depth

    • bit location

    • hookload

    • weight on bit

    • standpipe pressure

    • rotary speed

    • casing pressure

    • torq

    • pump strokes

    • pit volumes

    • mud

    • pressure informations

    Total gas & C1-C5 gas analysis are defined with Gas Chromatograph by Mud Logging Unit.

    Mudloggers work at Mud Logging Unit. Although This term is quite new in Turkey, quite old over the world. Mud Logging Unit services are given in Turkey by a few services companies. Mud Loggers become junior geologist and data engineer. Data engineers collect to data parameters and they are interpret to data acquisitions. Geologists describe to lithology and they are interpret to data.

    A few International Mud Logging Companies :

    • Geoservices

    • HRH Limited

    • PetroServices

    • Horizon Well Logging, Inc.

    • Stratagraph Inc.

    • Drill-Lab Ltd.

    • Running Horse Resources Inc.

    • Petroleum Mud logging Data Exploration Services

    • The Mudlogging Company, Inc.

    • Automated Mudlogging Systems

    • Cyratron Ltd.

    • GEO-RS Inc.

    A few Turkish Mud Logging Companies :

    • Merty Energy Inc.

    • Arar Inc.

    • Zorlu Energy


    The Nabucco pipeline is a planned natural gas pipeline that will transport natural gas from Turkey to Austria, via Bulgaria, Romania, and Hungary. It will run from Erzurum in Turkey to Baumgarten an der March, a major natural gas hub in Austria. This pipeline is a diversion from the current methods of importing natural gas solely from Russia. The project is backed by several European Union states and the United States.

    The demand for gas in Europe is expected to increase considerably in the upcoming two decades. Sufficient gas reserves are available around Europe to meet this future increase in demand for European gas - which is not unexpected. The biggest challenge, however, is how this gas can best be transported to consumers. At present sizeable enough capacity does not exist for transporting these gas volumes to European gas markets. Additionally the only region with rich gas reserves, and which is not yet connected with the European markets via pipeline, is the Caspian Region, Middle East and Egypt. Nabucco - a pipeline project connecting Turkey with Austria via Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary - is the answer to the challenge outlined above and consequently will open up a new supply route for Europe.

    Construction will start 2011 first gas will flow 2014.

    Who are the Nabucco partners?
    OMV (Austria), MOL (Hungary), Transgaz (Romania), BEH (Bulgaria), Botas (Turkey), RWE (Germany)

    How long is Nabucco in each country?
    • Total length: 3,300 km
    • Turkey: 2,000 km
    • Bulgaria: 400 km
    • Romania: 460 km
    • Hungary: 390 km
    • Austria: 46 km

    Petroleum Discovery

    Petroleum is not a recent discovery. Petroleum exploration have been continuing more than four thousand years, according to Herodotus and confirmed by Diodorus Siculus, asphalt was used in the construction of the walls and towers of Babylon.

    First oil discovery was made by MTA in SE Turkey in 1945. In Turkey, a total of 3,350 wells have been drilled till 2008 and 120 different sizes of oil and gas fields have been discovered. These discoveries are mainly located in the Thrace and Southeastern Basins. Many these fields have been discovered by Turkish Petroleum Corporation, known as TPAO.
    According to me, Turkish private companies should be investing more in domestic and international exploration and Turkish Government should support them by giving several tax incentives.

    I hope that Petroleum will be discovered in the Black Sea and in Eastern Mediterranean. We will see on future.

    Gore Geochemical Imaging Surveys

    Gore provides expert geochemical imaging services for petroleum exploration, minerals exploration and for environmental investigations. We used this method for petroleum exploration until now. This method is also use at offshore petroleum exploration. I want to summarize to this method; Modules are put under surface to specific depth for specific time. Gases are imprisoned into modules by absorbent. Geochemical Imaging is gain with absorbtion. Carbon intensity maps are drawed with this imaging and Seismics are made into this area. So, Seismics are less cost than non gore surveys. We can open more well with this gain.